Ten Minute Town Notes

8 July 2024


Rob Bakes, Bereinice Snowden, Lenka Thompson, Karan Hayman, Huntly Barton


Kyneton Movement Network Study

Kyneton Urban Design Framework

https://yoursay.mrsc.vic.gov.au/draft-kyneton-urban-design-framework Open for 4 weeks from Mon 8 July – Sun 4 Aug

  • Discussed the Streetscape Walking Tours

5 July 2024


Rob Bakes, Lenka Thompson


Kyneton Urban Design Framework

Ideas about what we need in the Framework

  • Accommodation above shops
  • Get rid of canteliever varandahs (eg. Reject Shop) – bring the normal verandahs back (with poles, eg. Monsieur Pierre, but not like F & V Watts). Varandahs need to be part of the Palate
  • Where are the Algerian Elms – like the tree out front of Kyneton Council Offices? How does the tree palette respond to our Colonial historic past.
  • Keep the Kyneton Lions Club building (pg. 51)

It was decided that a walking tour of Piper-Mollison-Market-Ferguson-High St would be good to get a feel of what is being proposed for the KUDF. Start at Stockroom each tour. Dates for Streetscape Walking Tours:

  • Sat 13th 2-4pm
  • Sat 20th, 2-4pm
  • Sat 27th, 2-4pm

27 June 2024


Rob Bakes, Lenka Thompson


Kyneton Urban Design Framework


Endorsed by council to be released for community consultation July for 4 weeks. The group needs to review and make a submission.

Land Analysis 

Rob rang Rob Burgess about the infill analysis project and he was very interested. Potential of coming to Kyneton to discuss further.


  • untickedRB to organise meeting with Rob Burgess in Melbourne 
  • untickedPrint out the KUDF and read

10 June 2024 


Rob Bakes, Lenka Thompson


Kyneton South Investigation Zone

Looking for ways to influence the Strategic plan for Kyneton South Investigation Area. The draft Kyneton South Investigation Area Framework Plan (KSIAFP) has been prepared to assist Council in assessing the long-term growth potential of the investigation area and to provide a high-level understanding of connections and infrastructure that may be required to support the Kyneton community now and into the future.

Human Scale needs to be supported through the redevelopment of a township.

“A rich life, wrapped in poverty”


That the 10 Minute Town Sub-committee agrees to undertake an infill development analysis within the Kyneton Township Boundary which includes:

  • The current number of dwellings,
  • The current number of bedrooms,
  • The number of dwellings that can be accommodated,


12 May 2024 / 2pm – 3:15pm / Zoom


Rob Bakes, Craig Griffiths, Lenka Thompson


Kyneton Movement Strategy Submission – Excel Speadsheet

  1. Reprioritise 30 actions from council.
  2. Amend the 30 actions to include new ideas to replace ones we don’t approve of.
  3. Add new ideas.

6 May 2024 / 12:10-1:10pm  / Kyneton Library


Lenka Thompson, Rob Bakes


Kyneton Movement Network Study Submission

In preparation for our meeting with the Engineering Department with Council we agreed to theme it as the following:

What we agree with:

  • Slowing traffic down
  • Increasing active transport

What we disagree with:

  • Edgecombe Street Bridge
  • Why are we listing priority projects when there isn’t the Bridge there? It is taking up priority space

Ideas to be added:

  • 30km/hr on main thoroughfare roads – High, Mollison, Piper Streets
  • Kyneton Shimmy
  • Baynton-Post Office Creek-Mollison Bike Track
  • Bike racks on buses

RB has started the submission: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JsYgz23hls8_0vGluodkJRc4La3j0KYdsjGvxqTTBH0/edit#heading=h.gd65c4psxfp8


  • tickedLT/CG/RB to work on submission
  • tickedNotes for meeting with Eng and Benup from Engineering

29 April 2024/ 12-1pm / Kyneton Library Meeting Room


Rob Bakes, Craig Griffiths, Lenka Thompson


Craig Griffiths – guest presentation, former Strategic Transport Manager, Merri-bek City Council

Craig Griffiths gave an update on past experience and ideas about traffic through Kyneton town centre:

Past campaigns from Merri-bek City Council

  • No Toll Ways
  • Sound walls
  • Bikes on buses
    • Trial bikes on buses with the Trentham bus
    • Put your bike on the bus if you get a flat tyre and need to get home
    • Use the bike racks to get bike to train station during poorer weather
    • Seymore is totally electric (Ventura buses)
  • Shimmy – need to find quiet back roads to decrease conflict with through-roads, and add bicycle signs to signify the space is shared with bikes. Need to increase way-finding.
    • Relatively cheep
    • Effective in terms of value for money
    • Builds road safety
    • Complements speed reduction
  • Bike parking at train station
    • Linking to railway stations is necessary for movement – there is good parking at the station and we need to link the station to the town. The railway station was built after the town which was established through the gold-rush, without stations.
  • Speed limit reduction – speed sign plates with “every year we want you to grow the safe walking and cycling program” Follow the green route to the hospital, follow the red route to train station…
    • Use data from Free-cycling to help create evidence for safer walking and cycling environments
  • Different experience of riders dictates how they move around town:
    • Experienced, who have the confidence to go anywhere to ride.d
    • Happy to ride and would ride more if the infrastrturse was made safer.
    • Don’t ride at all because it is too scary.
    • Have to march each one of these experiences up to the next knotch so more people are walking and riding.

Look after the pedestrians first and foremost – car journeys begin as a pedestrian!

Footpaths – need to get them updated so 12yo and under can use it as well as seniors. Traders need to come on board to update footpaths so we can increase foot traffic which will increase purchases for the business.

Iceberg effect – 1/9 on top is purchase price, 8/9 is spend to maintain. These need to balance out. This is a potential push back from Assets department.

Donald Shoup – car parks taking up space. Council provides free land space for car parking – what is the value of car park area in Kyneton?

Mixed density – so ther is a variety of stock available for different parts of your life. Need to live from Cradle to Grave in Kyneton so we need a diversity of stock.



  • tickedLT to loop in Craig to group
  • tickedCG to send list of ideas to send to council

15 April 2024 / 12-1 pm / Kyneton Library Meeting Room


Rob Bakes, Lenka Thompson


Ten Minute Township Website

  1. https://kynetononline.org/?page_id=20 LT needs access to be able to reconfigure the website.

Draft Kyneton Movement Network Study

Top 30 Priority checklist –  LT and RB went through the council-led priorities. Allocating 

  1.  Good. Congestion along E St is not suitable as another thoroughfare.
  2. Good. Where is the Town Centre boundary?
  3. Good.
  4. Good.
  5. Question mark. Not sure about the priority of this.
  6. Good. Zebra Crossing
  7. Out. Post bridge
  8. Okay.
  9. Okay.
  10. Question Mark
  11. Question Mark. Bike line.Using designated bike lanes to reduce rat-running, traffic calming device
  12. Question Mark. Bike lines as a traffic calming measure
  13. Question Mark. Bike lanes as traffic calming measure
  14. Question Mark.
  15. Good. Pedestrian crossing.
  16. Good. Pedestrian crossing.
  17. Out. Post bridge.
  18. Amend. Have flashing amber lights between 11pm-4am
  19. Out. Post bridge
  20. IN
  21. IN. Yaldwyn
  22. Good.
  23. – 30. Need to make sure they are allocated and linked up to other.


  • tickedRB to get LT admin access to the kynetononline.org website
  • tickedLT going look at footpath priorities.

Next Meeting Agenda

Monday 22 April, 12-1pm

Library Meeting Room

  • Draft Kyneton Movement Strategy submission


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