- Lines of oaks
- Showgrounds pedestrian crossing
- Quarry Reserve development
- Retention of the Lions pavilion at its existing location
- High street pedestrian mall
- Woolworths carpark
- Extension of Mechanics Reserve
- Formal inclusion of the Town Square vision in the UDF
- Removal of the electric charging station
- Boulder climbing wall
- Off-set road crossing to create tree spaces
- Inclusion of Gaslight Park
Use the link below to check out the details of the draft plan
Lines of oaks
The planting of lines of Oak tree should be priortised in the historic Victorian precincts which form part of the framework footprint. We protect our historic buildings. We need to match further planting with the precendent demanded by existing Victorian built form.
Showgrounds pedestrian crossing
The Showgrounds masterplan shows vehicular access will be from Beauchamp street opposite Kyneton plumbing and Building Supplies. The Mollison street entrance will be only for pedestrians. We need a new crossing for pedestrian safety at the Mollison street entrance.
Quarry Reserve
Quarry Reserve already has a range of local tree species. There is an opportunity to add understorey species. Its an opportunity to have both Indigenous and Victorian heritage co-existing in our town centre.

Dianella amoena

Glycine latrobeana

Retention of the Lions pavilion at its existing location
Maintain the Lions kiosk in its current location. Make it useful and fully functional with plumbing and regular maintenance. Make it available for the community to use for events and fund raising all the time.

High street pedestrian mall
Imagine a pedestrian mall along High Street from Mollison Street to Ferguson Street. With shade tree plantings this could create a pleasant area for shoppers, a safe walk and a place to hang out for school students from the two high schools Cafes could extend their seating into the mall. A pedestrian mall would lead to and from the Kyneton Town Square and connect the two areas.
Woolworths carpark
The closure of access of the Woolworths carpark to Baynton street is essential to the extension of the Mechanics Reserve to the end of the Woolworths building. It is also essential for the establishment of free flowing public open space flowing from Mollison street along Baynton street across to Simpson street.
Extension of Mechanics Reserve

The Co-Op Board has had a very useful meeting with the Council infrastructure officers. It seems that circulation and parking issues have not raised a red flag in our latest ketch(above) which forms a component of our submission to the Urban Design Framework. Town Square tours can be arranged for you on Saturdays by catching up with the team at the Lion’s kiosk between 10am and 1 pm after the Council elections are done and dusted.
Formal inclusion of the Town Square vision in the UDF

Removal of the electric charging station

This eletric charging has blocked the free flow between the open public space in the Town Square and the Mechanics Reserve.

Boulder climbing wall

Inclusion of Gaslight Park

Off-set road crossings to create tree spaces
After the Co-Op Board’s meeting with the startegic planners in July our position, calling for a longer consultation period, became more entrenched. Here is the text of the letter we sent out today to the MRSC and cc’ed the nine Councillors. Letter “Hi Louise and Leanne, Thank you for a candid and robust discussion on Monday. Your patient explanation confirmed our suspicions about the weakened, inconsequential role of community input into the UDF process. The Council has had many years plus the benefit of consultant’s advice to create this document. The community has been given just four weeks to trawl through, and critically analyse, the immense detail contained in its eighty odd pages. We are told to just relax because this document is only about high level concepts and the details can be dealt with later.This is hardly reassuring given that the UDF contains a plethora of contentious proposals integral to most of the projects listed. To put forward just one example…after years of advocating through the Reference group (2017), and then the KDTSC (2019), for a vision of a Town Square, we have been served up a truncated, entirely diminished version in the UDF. To add insult to injury the wonderful centrally-positioned Lion’s Kiosk is earmarked to be moved under the same project heading. This is after a refusal by council to allow the kitchen to be transformed to commercial status for more flexible use by community groups. The Council has been made well aware of the community’s wish to retain the pavilion in its present position. Major projects such as these should not be processed with undue haste. You are de-franchising the very community you purport to serve. Recently 1500 petitioners were prevented from presenting a view to Council before a vote was taken to remove nine very sound historic elm trees from the showgrounds. The lack of proper democratic process in this case resulted in a vote being taken before our tree report could be properly advocated. The Councillors may have voted differently if our request to have our case heard had not been ignored. Many Kyneton residents are saddened by the unnecessary loss of these magnificent trees with many years of life left in them.. Please do not make another ill-advised decision in bureaucratic haste. Each of the projects listed in the UDF, and more ideas which may emerge in the future, must be subject to community scrutiny. Do not underestimate the capacity of our community to create an exciting future for our town. The best ideas, in the past, have come from the residents. We can move forward with the UDF by carefully mandating community input during the planning and implementation of the listed projects, and any additional ideas which materialise through deliberation. Ideally we need to create a model which embraces co-design. It is imperative that all parties are given an extended six month period to comprehensively address the disturbing issues we have raised in this email.” |